Managing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Protocols and Lifestyle Changes

Lupus is one of the most widespread health conditions among youngsters and adults. It is manifested by the events when the immune system attacks one’s body tissues and organs. It is considered an autoimmune disease. When it comes to the most common forms of lupus, a person may acquire Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It can easily cause inflammation, affect the organs, or skin among others.

Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for lupus, however, no need to write it off as lost as well. Medical interventions and a healthy lifestyle may play a great role in restoring the quality of life. Check what to incorporate today to deal with it.

Approaches to Lupus Management

Systemic lupus erythematosusFirst off, it is worth saying that Systemic lupus erythematosus can today range in its severity. You may live with it and experience mild symptoms, or develop a life-threatening form. When it comes to the treatment, you won’t be simply referred to medications but a team of dedicated specialists who practice SLE care in patients. They will tailor proper medical modalities, preventive care techniques, as well as educate patients to understand the keys to improving their functioning.

Unfortunately, the main causes of SLE are still not discovered despite years of studies, and research. However, it is believed to be caused by genetic, environmental, alongside hormonal factors. For instance, your parents could have a medical history of SLE, or you live in environments with factories or pollution where your immune system struggles daily. It all depends.

As for the main signs or symptoms of SLE, they vary as well. One person can notice skin rashes, fevers, and occasional or continuous swelling in the joints. Adults can also have something called flares. They have a nature of appearing often, and then going away alone, kind of remission. Other possible symptoms involve arthritis, heart-related issues, seizures, mental health deviations, blood cells.

When not treated, SLE may lead to joint complications or even death. A person can develop extreme mental health deviations alongside problems with social functioning.

What Are the Applied Treatment Protocols?

As was said above, there is no cure. So, the only way to approach this health condition is to alleviate the symptoms which do not allow you to live a healthy life. First off, a doctor will determine the stage of SLE, what symptoms you experience, what lifestyle you follow. Alongside this, a doctor will study the health of the organs to see whether extra treatments are required to prevent fatal consequences.

The treatment of symptoms can be represented in the following ways:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Logically to assume, you will need to take some drugs to help your joints and organs function. For instance, a doctor may prescribe Hydroxychloroquine, especially if you have skin rashes. It is an anti-malaria medication primarily prescribed to deal with parasite infections contracted from mosquitos and made available through Family pharmacy following the recent discovery about the medication having so much more potential than it has previously given grounds to assume. It has been recently established that the medication has so much more potential than it has previously given grounds to assume. Returning to the topic, Hydroxychloroquine is an optimal drug to take with you when planning a trip to an exotic resort. But, on some occasions, Hydroxychloroquine will ideally fit your SLE treatment as well. Such medication can assist with joint pain, stiffness. Beyond that, a doctor can also refer to antifungal meds if the first-line modalities are ineffective or cause many side effects. For instance, Diflucan, or Itraconazole, two drugs aimed at treating infections caused by fungus but that can help manage some of the symptoms of SLE.

  • Steroid Creams for Rashes

Alongside medications, a doctor can determine the need for topicals that will help with skin rashes. For instance, Pimecrolimus cream or Tacrolimus ointment may come in handy. You will either need to apply them for a particular course or just periodically to maintain a healthy quality of the skin.

  • Disease-Modifying Drugs

Such modalities belong to the drug class of targeted immune system agents. They are chosen when a patient has severe cases of SLE.

Lifestyle Changes

You may agree that taking medications is not always the best therapeutic decision, because you have to make changes with your lifestyle to live even healthier. Thus, you will be 100% recommended on the habits you should acquire to not let SLE worsen. For instance, alongside taking Plaquenil, you need to do the following:

#1 Quit Smoking

It is super obvious that smoking never favours your health but causes additional problems. When it comes to SLE, it greatly alters the body’s cells causing stress on your organs. Obviously, you might experience hurdles with quitting this habit at once, so try to reduce it gradually.

#2 Abstain from the Direct Sun

People with SLE can easily get a sunburn. If you have already rashes, they can get worse. You have to either abstain from the direct sunlight or protect yourself. For instance, wear sunscreen with at least 30 SPF.

#3 Avoid Infections

Another super obvious tip is to avoid infections as much as possible. The problem is that medications prescribed to treat symptoms of SLE radically lower the immune system, so you are at a greater risk of additional health problems. You can get them more often, and they may be hard to treat.

#4 Follow a Healthy Diet

The good news is that by following a healthy diet, you can boost your well-being as well. Normally, a doctor will recommend some diets, or you can speak to a nutritionist who can build an eating regimen for your particular case. In simple terms, you will need to eat more fruits, veggies, and, of course, whole grains. The diet will greatly assist if you have accompanying high blood pressure, digestive issues among others.

Then, you need to take Omega-3 fatty acids that will help you lower the manifestations of the SLE. It can be taken in health supplements or just with foods like fish or seed oils.

#5 Abstain from Alcohol

Alongside smoking, think of reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages if you believe you drink them a lot. For instance, two drinks per day for men or one drink per day for women.

#6 Avoid Stressful Situations

Stress is the worst enemy for SLE patients. You have to ensure you abstain from stress-related situations. If not possible, due to work or other personal reasons, try to practice meditation that can help you lower your occasional anxiety or depression.

#7 Exercise

Last but not least is the power of exercising. No need to go extreme with the gyms, but try to jog or walk in the fresh air. Even simple YouTube tutorials with exercises will be okay. Finally, speak to a dedicated professional who can build an exercising plan for you.

So, systemic lupus is not a health condition that should lower your self-esteem. You cannot cure it completely, but can always minimize the impact of its symptoms. Speak to your doctor to determine the best treatment for your case.